Papering Over it: Collaging the Found Object REQUIRED TOOLS/MATERIALS: The list below contains things you will be certainly using in the workshop, and to avoid having to wait for a communal tool to become available, you should plan on getting them for the class. Where possible, I have provided links to the items, if even just to get a visual on what you need. • PAPER! You can bring old books, new books, artist-made papers, any kind of paper that interests you! I will be showing some techniques specific to fibre-based papers, that is, either hand-made artist papers, or books that are from earlier than 1910 or so. So if you can, try to bring at least 1 old book that you have made up your mind can be taken apart. roll
of 'reo tie wire' (found for under $10 in hardware stores
in the construction materials section, near the cinder block and
chain-link fencing. IMPORTANT: make sure it is steel or iron wire,
NOT galvanized! should be dark grey-black) If met with blank stares, tell them it's for tying reo-rod together. NOTE: You won't need to haul the whole roll, as it's quite heavy - bring 1/4 of it with you and you'll have plenty! • jewellery pliers: A simple round-nose plier and flat nose plus a standard utility plier (linesman, or combination plier) for manipulating the wire. • Atelier Medium & Varnish: You'll want to get at least the gloss and matte bottles. If you're not strapped for cash, get the satin as well. Gloss is <here>, matte is <here>. • Scribe <Here> Alternatively, any fine, pointed metal object will work.... Hatpin, anyone? • Small bottle of PVA glue <here> • Water-clear epoxy adhesive <here>
paper towels • plastic cups to mix paint/glue in • Assortment of found objects to play with: this may include wooden or metal boxes/tins, scraps of metal, glass, wood, plastic, etc. For a wide-open list of possible objects to bring, check out the list of 'raw materials' in my Precious Little supply list <here> Don't be intimidated by that list, please, it's simply a sampling of potential items. The upshot is: Bring materials that thrill you!
• old white t-shirt remnant (this is OPTIONAL - you'll only need about a 5-inch square) • OPTIONAL - A small amount of waxed linen thread: Don't buy a large spool for this class, only a small amount is needed. There are many colors and weights of linen thread, but choose a heavier weight (3-ply is great). <Here's> a small coil.
Please email me with any questions you might have that this page didn't address. See you there! Keith